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Indonesia: Timor Lorosae
(September, 1999)


Chronology 1

East Timor: an inconsistent case of U.S. policy 4
Horta pledges to share power 7
Now is the time to build the future! 8
Jakarta's bloody hands: military back killings 13
Unmasking the Indonesian interests behind the pro-Jakarta militias 14
Army conspires with militias to harass, force out foreigners 17
Slow response to crisis dictated by 'Asean way' 18
Jakarta in dark on scale of destruction, says UN 19
Revealed: the plot to crush Timor 19
Big and small pitch in for multinational force 20
The Militias 21

Bishop Belo on Reconciliation 23
"While Diplomats Talk" 26
US and Western Allies show poor record on East Timor 27
An independent East Timor may join South Pacific Forum 31
The Economics of an independent East Timor 32
The Timor Gap Treaty 33

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