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India: The 13th Lok Sabha:
a test of diversity and
dissent in India

(December, 1999)


The Sangh Parivar
From Sanskritisation to Hindi-isation and Hindu-isation: The 13th Lok Saba  2
Why did the BJP Succeed?  8
The Sangh School of Falsification  9
Saffron Terror  12
Hidden and Not so Hidden  14

National Democratic Alliance
Positive Verdict  16
Election 99: Winning Was the Easy Part  18
Vajpayee’s off to a false start  19
The Three Keys to NDA’s Security  20
Coalition Politics is Still Here  22

The great Indian Chauvinist Campaign
You’re Addition of One, Mr Fernandes  25

NGOs and Minorities
The Purse Strings as the Noose: Indian NGOs Face New Challenges  26
Attack on NGOs and Peoples Movements  28
PRESS RELEASE of Indian Social Institute  29
The Papal Test  30
The Staines Killings: Religious Intolerance and Government Inaction  31
Denial and Obfuscation: The Report of the Justice D.P. Wadhawa Commission of Inquiry  34
Press statement of Rev. Dr. James Massey, Member of National Minorities Commission  36
In Christian Belt, Faith in Pawar May Pull the Votes, not Religion or Origin  37


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