Christian Participation in Politics Based upon the model offered by our Lord Jesus Christ in the Bible, we make three suggestions for the Christians by following which, they may respond to the current political situation in our country. The first and foremost suggestion with regard Christian engagement in politics is: Most of the political parties are basically interested in votes and to get these, they tend to respond to special some times narrow interests of particular religious or caste groups. Christians certainly cannot be partners in such approaches. Besides, any path which is not comprehensive may lead us even to become communal in outlook. Involvement of Christians in politics, therefore, has to be on different footing, which must be holistic in nature. There are larger and graver issues facing the nation and society that demand the attention of every Christian. The Christian person should tread carefully and not play into the hands of politicians, for active and meaningful participation, the Christian person can find models in both "prophetic politics" and "messianic politics" In the case of Prophetic politics two points must always be kept in mind:
It is the foremost duty of the ruler or State to protect the rights of the subject especially the poor and the oppressed. The second model of the "Messianic politics" as referred above is the extension of the first model, that is, "Prophetic politics." The Prophet Isaiah has given the full details of the Messianic politics in his book (chapters 9, 11, 53). About the Messianic ruler he says: "With justice he will judge the poor and defend the humble in the land of equity; like a rod his verdict will strike the ruthless and with his word he will slay the wicked. He will wear the belt of justice and truth will be his girdle" (Isaiah 11:4,5) Of course, our Lord Jesus Christ himself has provided an alternative paradigm or model of politics. His politics was based upon the concept of "the suffering servant". The political order envisioned by Jesus is exactly the opposite of the political order propagated by most of the political parties in our country. The objective of the politics of Jesus was the formation of a "just society" based upon justice and righteousness. It is these parameters, which Jesus left us Christians to decide our participation or engagement in politics. The Christians and the Church are supposed to respond to the this obligation, which their Lord Himself has laid upon them. The same obligation is laid upon Christians by the State also, as its full citizens. In a way, our second suggestion is linked with the first because it calls on every Christian to support the democratic system of our country. This is not only because the system was adopted, after independence, by the Constitution of our country, but also because this system falls nearest to the Christian understanding of the human being, the world and the political order derived from the law and love of God as revealed in Jesus Christ. However as we know already, at present we are living a life of contradictions because, though in principle, we have accepted political democracy based on equality, yet we continue to practice even after 50 years of Independence blatant inequality in the areas of our social and economic life. This means that social democracy which forms the base of political democracy, is still absent from the life of the Indian Society. Christians can very usefully engage themselves in the task of establishing social democracy in the country which will pave the way for a just society as envisaged by the prophets of the Old Testament, as well as, by our Lord Jesus Christ Himself. In a nutshell, the politics of democracy, which includes the politics of peoples movements, actually reflects Gods politics with the world in Jesus Christ. Our third suggestion is addressed to the Church, that it should not only pray for a change or a good future government. The Church should actually mobilize its members to begin to think and work for change. The present demand on the Church is to play a concrete and effective role in the coming elections by preparing her members to enable in electing such a government which will protect the interests and rights of the poor, Dalits Adivasis, religious minorities and others who have been threatened by the present crisis created by fascist forces in the country. Currently, the whole democratic and secular system is under threat. Christians have double obligations (of their faith as Christians and of the Constitution as Indian Citizens) to side with those forces that will help in preventing India from becoming a Totalitarian State, and help in continuing with its best democratic and secular traditions.