Burma Dossier: Tourism
(January, 1997)

Introduction  i
Opening Fanfare of Visit Myanmar Year, 1996  4
Myanmar's Booming Hotel Industry  5
Other Investments  5
Tourism Related Projects Anger Mandalay Residents  6
Road to Mandalay Presents Dilemma for Tourists  7
Bonus Miles at "Heroin Hotel"  8
On Tourism: an interview with Aung Sang Suu Kyi  11
The Myanmar Dilemma: Should You Go?  20
Burma: To Visit or Not to Visit  21
Burma: No Place for Tourists  20
Burma's Democrats Need Tourists  21
Tourism Helps the Burmese  23
Welcome to a Troubled Land  25
Touism will not be affected  27
Human Rights Boycott Fails to Stem Tourism Surge  28
The Decision to Visit Myanmar  30


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