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Korea: Justice Not Impunity: Stop! US military crimes
(December, 2002)

Jointly Published with National Council of Churches in Korea & World Student Christian Federation Asia-Pacific Region

News Clippings
Two South Korean teenagers run over U.S. military vehicle  4
Killings of young girls by U.S. troops ignites rage  4
Bush effigy burned as U.S. troops stand trial for girls' death  6
Korean anger as U.S. soldiers cleared  7

Korea: Liberation and Self-Determination  8
What is SOFA?  10
Solidarity in South Korean Civil Movement against the U.S. Forces: The case of the death of two schoolgirls in June 2002  12
SOFA and Sovereignty Over Korea  17

Example Cases
South Koreans Protest U.S. Military Waste Dump  19
Murder Case of Ms. YOON Kum-E by Keneth Markle  20
Assault Case of Mr. YO Young-shik by U.S. soldier Franziso  20
Murder Case of Mr. CHO Jung-pil in Burger King, Itaewon  21
Sexual Harassment Case of the Child, Ms. LEE Huan-ju  21
Murder and Incendiary Case of Ms. HUR Joo-youn  22
Group Assault Case of Mr. CHO Chun-sheek by 4 U.S. soldiers  22

KNCC Statement  23
Open Letter to President George Bush  24
Press Conference  25
Declaration on the Current Situation  26
Stand in Solidarity  


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