DAGA Dossiers

U.S. Military Presence in Asia November 2004
Aorearoa NZ
Maori and Pacific Island Stories of Peace and Justice November 2003
Investments June-December 1996
Tourism January 1997
Refugees July 1997
Military and Ethnic Conflicts in Burma May 2001
Burmese Migrant Workers in Thailand December 2005
Hong Kong  
  No. 1 April 1997
  No. 2 May 1997
  No. 3 June 1997
China and the WTO (I & II) August 2000 & November 2002
The 13th Lok Sabha: a test of diversity and dissent in India December 1999
Timor Lorosae September 1999
Disputed Territory; Paradise Lost October 2002
Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK): Food Crisis  
  No. 1 October 1997
  No. 2 November 1997
Justice! Not Impunity. Stop US Military Crimes December 2002
The Struggle in Mindanao September 2001


Please note: Publications prior to 1999 are only available in print form.

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Documentation for Action Groups in Asia (DAGA):
Unit 1-2, 18/F, 280 Portland Street, Mongkok, Hong Kong
• Tel: [852] 2385 2550 • Fax: [852] 2782-3980
E-mail:  dagainfo@daga.org.hk