Poems of Ren Ropeta

Century Moro

The birth of a century!
I determined this too
Shall be the birth of

A new consciousness,
A new history,
A new people.

The birth of a new Moro!
For the self-same blood
That dripped and drowned
My people's freedom
Now rages in my veins
To liberate.
Four hundred years
Four hundred wars,
My roots are still alive!

Ren Ropeta, August 31, 2002

Islam was introduced into Mindanao, Philippines in 1460. Thirteen Muslim ethno-linguistic groups now reside on this fertile island along with 10 Lumad tribes. Because the island is so productive and well-located, attempts to dislodge these indigenous groups from the rich land have gone on for centuries. More background on these struggles can be found in the "Dossier" section of the DAGA webpage.