Justpeace Quotations

"I think it is not difficult to fight for peace, but it is very difficult to live in peace when the fighting for peace is over." -- Burma Issues' field staff

"The most difficult thing to kill is our anger - more difficult than killing people. We can not really solve any problem if we respond with our anger. Acting in anger we are already 80% on the way to making a mistake. We are already on the losing path." -- Thu Reh, Burma Issues

"Don't die for your religion.  Live up to it." -- Asia Social Forum banner

"All kinds of militarization are a crime against civilization." -- Asia Social Forum banner

"War has no future.  Peace is the future." -- Asia Social Forum banner

"Peace needs to be cool. Violence needs to be labeled as nerdy and uncool. It can't be machismo and toughness." Shani Abergel, Sixth Grade, USA