Community Organizing Manual
Cover Page [ 741KB PDF ]
- Authors Comments
Introduction: [ 60KB PDF ]
This chapter describes how the manual is organized and gives suggestions for using it.
Chapter 1: Introductions [ 410KB PDF ]
During these first sessions together, all of the participants and facilitators begin to get to know each other and feel more comfortable together. Expectations, house rules and training procedures are clarified so that the training program can run move smoothly and effectively. This chapter provides suggestions for how to get the training started.
Chapter 2: Why Study the Problem? [ 1.5MB PDF ]
The purpose of this chapter is to help participants begin to understand why it is important to focus action on root problems rather than simply on symptoms that are created by those root problems. A number of activities are suggested which focus on different aspects of this issue. Extensive discussions following each activity are essential to help participants clearly grasp the principles being suggested.
Chapter 3: Doing Structural Analysis [ 327KB PDF ]
This chapter helps participants develop a process for doing structural analysis in order to identify root causes of conflicts and plan effective strategies for transformation. There are many different ways of doing structural analysis and this is only one. As participants gain experience, they will perhaps experiment with other processes to gain an even deeper understanding of the positive and negative systems within the society.
Chapter 4: Building a Vision [ 886KB PDF ]
The purpose of this chapter is to help the participants develop a strategy that marginalized communites can use to gain the power, skills and knowledge they need to transform their communities and societies so that justice will be available for all.