Justpeace Newsletter Archive
From 2002 until 2004 CJPA produced a regular newsletter. Word document versions of past newsletters have been posted in the resources section of the CJPA website. Newsletters contain articles and poetry submitted directly to CJPA, as well as links to relevant articles published on the internet by other organizations. Many useful websites and grassroots peace initiatives are also featured in the newsletters.
Newsletters from 2004
- JustPeace News 2.10 - October 29, 2004
(keywords: Thailand, muslim, Burma, Iraq, airstrike, poverty, Hong Kong, hunger, Oxfam) - JustPeace News 2.9 - October 19, 2004
(keywords: national identity, justpeace, interfaith, human rights) - JustPeace News 2.8 - August 25, 2004
(keywords: non-violence, Guatemala, dalits, Palestine, women, India, sufi islam, nuclear) - JustPeace News 2.7 - June 23, 2004
(keywords: anti-war, political prisioners, Iraq, museums, land disputes, Thailand, women, Philippines) - JustPeace News 2.6 - May 28, 2004
(keywords: Sri Lanka, civil war, Tamil, peace negotiations, education, stories) - JustPeace News 2.5 - May 6, 2004
(keywords: Palestine, ecumenical, liberation, education, audio visual) - JustPeace News 2.4 - March 17, 2004
(keywords: non-violence, Thailand, public diplomacy, Philippines, child labour, Pakistan, patriotism, Hong Kong, civil rights, Iraq) - JustPeace News 2.3 - February 17, 2004
(keywords: justice, Iraq, women, slavery, East Timor, Diego Garcia, military bases) - JustPeace News 2.2 - January 30, 2004
(keywords: non-violence, jubilee, Iraq, Afghanistan, Hong Kong, Pope John Paul II, refugees, human rights, Malaysia, world social forum) - JustPeace News 2.1 - January 6, 2004
(keywords: roots of conflict, global justice)
Newsletters from 2003
- JustPeace News 1.21 - December 18, 2003
(keywords: ecumenical movement, interfaith, human rights, revolution) - JustPeace News 1.20 - November 19, 2003
(keywords: frameworks, independence, action, human rights, Iraq, labour, nuclear weapons, Aceh, fascism) - JustPeace News 1.19 - October 30, 2003
(keywords: hotpeace, "golden rule", Korea, folklore, Nagaland, migrant labour) - JustPeace News 1.18 - October 15, 2003
(keywords: conflict transformation, dalit, Nepal, Islam, Iraq, land rights, mass media) - JustPeace News 1.17 - August 2003
(keywords: Hong Kong, democracy, Karen, art, Maori) - JustPeace News 1.16 - July 2003
(keywords: truth, Hong Kong, Indonesia, conflict, Iraq, stories, internally displaced people, Burma) - JustPeace News 1.15 - July 7, 2003
(keywords: article 23, Hong Kong, weapons) - JustPeace News 1.14 - July 3, 2003
(keywords: stories, grassroots, information manual, Philippines, Aceh, Islam, food aid, Iraq, oppression, Palestine) - JustPeace News 1.13 - June 3, 2003
(keywords: poverty, India, Afghanistan, Madre, Iraq, China, Burma, Taiwan, Middle East, stories, US policy) - JustPeace News 1.12 - May 20, 2003
(keywords: conflict, Indonesia, interfaith, reconciliation, Burma, Middle East, South Africa, Iraq, rule of law) - JustPeace News 1.11 - April 29, 2003
(keywords: Korea, Tiananmen, media, Iraq, stories, Hiroshima, Kenya, Middle East, India, Maori, children) - JustPeace News 1.10 - April 17, 2003
(keywords: Iraq, anti-war, faith, Philippines, media, reconciliation, East Timor, children, art) - JustPeace News 1.9 - March 29, 2003
(keywords: community, Vietnam, Iraq, economics of war, media) - JustPeace News 1.8 - March 27, 2003
(keyword: Iraq, children, Thailand, Philippines, students, Australia) - JustPeace News 1.7 - February 28, 2003
(keywords: alternatives, Hong Kong, Israel, Thailand, boycott, Thailand, Nepal, artists, Iraq, Africa, women) - JustPeace News 1.6 - February 2003
(keywords: peace rally, Vietnam, globalization, biological and chemical weapons, Turkey, Australia, church protests, CPT, North Korea, Cambodia, Iraq) - JustPeace News 1.5 - February 2003
(keywords: Cambodia, Hong Kong, Iraq, Malaysia, Philippines, USA, Thailand, youth, war) - JustPeace News 1.4 - December 18, 2003
(keywords: student movement, Canada, Thailand, USA) - JustPeace News 1.2 - January 2003
(keywords: conflict transformation, culture, Iraq, youth, Martin Luther King)
Newsletters from 2002
- JustPeace News 1.1 - December 2002
(keywords: migrants, Indonesia, Japan, peace, democracy, Nagalim, Muhammad)